The Training Of O review


Last update on: May 21, 2022 -

Main niches: BDSMHardcore

The harshest, most significant BDSM training for submissive beauties can be found in only one place, and that’s the network’s The Training Of O site. This site obviously gets it’s name from the famous book, and you can tell from the varied, intense scenes that the stars are put through. As is to be expected from a network site, the babes are very well chosen, and the production standards are just as good, but these are all softer factors. I think it’s high time now to look at the harder ones, starting with the library details, so follow along with me.

Over 540 Individual, Long Videos, 720p Resolutions, No Updates Since Early ‘18

As of the time of writing for this review, seems to have put The Training Of O on the back burner as far as their site priorities go. That’s a shame, certainly, and I say that because there have been no new content updates added to the library in a little over four years – the last one was early in January of 2018. Meanwhile, the 544+ videos average a very generous 50 full minutes of run-time each, and are available to download or stream in the somewhat disappointing – two steps behind modern standard – resolution of 720p. There is a gallery associated with each video, too, and while these average a very generous 200 shots each, the shot resolution unfortunately tends to being lower-moderate. They are nicely available in convenient Zip archives, though.

Full Network Access, Mobile-Responsive Site With Some Features

One of the big value-adds baked into The Training Of O is that you actually get full access to the entirety of the network as a basic benefit to your membership here. That’s a hell of a lot of varied, quality, kinky content to enjoy, and I can’t complain about it at all. Meanwhile, the site’s had a fairly recent redesign, with a fairly easy to use, mobile-responsive interface. Features include a model index, basic search, and comments, favorites, and ratings, as well as tags. For more info, you should check out the full network review that I’ve provided separately.


    1. Full network access to a large, kink-focused, varied and high-quality network in as a basic part of your membership here adds quite a lot of value to the offer on the table.
    2. The site has been refreshed, and hits all the main targets now when it comes to usability features – including being properly mobile-responsive – so it’s easy to use and speeds you to the content you want.


    1. I’m disappointed, rather heavily, each and every time that I see another site that hasn’t updated in several years. These sites need new content – in modern resolutions – on a regular basis, all porn sites do.

Content Amount:

  • 544+ Videos/Galleries
  • Last update: January ’18


  • Video Length: Avg. 50 min
  • Download: HD 720p (.mp4)
  • Streaming: HD 720p (Flash)


  • Resolution: HQ 1200×800 (.jpg)
  • Pics per Set: Avg. 200
  • Zip Files: Yes


  • Total: 100s (U.S. based)
  • Ages: 18-30+
  • Ethnicities: mix, mostly white
  • Mostly semi pros


1 Month:
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[Billed every 3 months at $89.97]
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  • Content Amount
  • Quality
  • Updates
  • Usability
  • Download/Streaming
  • Value

Author Rating


This is another site that the hard facts lead me to rate more harshly than I would prefer to – I’d love to see this site return to updating with new, 4K resolution content. Frankly, that alone would do wonders for the score overall. However, with the benefits and drawbacks all considered, the positives do keep the score from dropping to fair. The site earns itself a score in the lower end of ‘good’ as things currently stand. That’s why I’m awarding The Training Of O with a score of 72.3 points, alongside my recommendations to all fans of BDSM content.

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Sep 19, 2016
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