Cam4 review
Last update on: December 16, 2024 -
Main niches: Sex Cam
When I initially looked at Cam4, after clicking through to see just the babes, I was fairly underwhelmed. The site looks too clean, too minimal – it comes across as if there just aren’t any usability features. This isn’t the case, however. If you look at the top bar, you’ll see an orange filters button at left. To it’s right, a selection of popular filters, followed by a number of tags, and finally, on the right, an all tags button. The tags are great and it’s certainly a useful menu overall, but what I want to focus on, however, is that first orange button on the left. That’s because this is your major tool – a set of advanced filters that can basically get your selection into the models on offer as broad or as narrow as you’d like to see. It’s quite impressive; with body types, languages, scene types, hair colors, breast sizes, model types, ethnicities, age groups, countries, and much, much more included. This is one of the best tools for parsing a cam site I’ve seen, in fact.
Great Model Numbers, Variety of Token Options
Moving on from that, though, it’s also nice to see just how many models you can expect online at just about any given time. At minimum, the site averages around 700 models at once, but more often it’s higher, tapping out around 1,000 at the busiest hours! Meanwhile, the token system is fairly nice, with a great variety of options so you can buy tokens in a number of different batches at different prices per token, depending on your budget. It seems pretty reasonable, but of course that’s only half of the equation – the other half of things is how each individual model chooses to price things, as you might expect. That said, pricing at Cam 4 does seem fairly reasonable overall, and that’s always nice to see.